Thursday, November 3, 2011

Week 9 - I Think

It has been quite the week. Shortly after my informative (and hilarious so I've heard) email, I procedded to get very sick. I spent the rest of the day in the sick bay at the MTC. Just in case you're wondering, the sick bay is the worst place in the entire world. This is no exaggeration. I've been to many places on this planet, and the MTC sick bay is by far the worst. Tuesday night, they packed me up and sent me back to the dorms, but I felt even worse. So I went to the ER. Nothing came of that visit. The next day was probably the most sick I've been in my entire life. I was freezing cold! I couldn't drink anything! And they were just going to send me back to the dorms again. But then the results came from some blood tests they were running on me, and the nurses found out that my white blood cell count was 18,000. A normal white blood cell count is 8-10,000. So they rushed me off the ER once again. I was pretty delirious those two days. I don't remember much except the ER doctor calling the results of my tests "concerning". Yup. That's right. They decided to admit me.
Sister Painter was such a trooper and stayed with me through it all. Well, we found out after the first night in the hospital that she really wasn't supposed to be there. So there I was, poor Sister Westrup, all alone in the hospital. Luckily, my doctor said it was ok for friends to visit. And they did! I feel so lucky to have so many amazing friends. Rachel brought flowers and books for me to read. And, Rach, like I said, everyone is super jealous that I have the new Ensign before they do.
I was feeling better Thursday night with all the visitors. But then later that night I got really sick again. So the doctor decided to keep me another day. I'm still not really sure what happened. I had an infection. But for the longest time, the doctors couldn't find out exactly where in my body it was. It finally surfaced Friday afternoon at the surgurical site. Which is really good, because everyone had been really worried that there was an infection in the hip itself; a sceptic hip. Which would have been extermely bad. Which would have meant that I would need a hip replacement. At 22.  BLECH.
But Heavenly Father has blessed me. And so I don't need a hip replacement!!! Yay!!!!! But today I saw Dr. Jackson again (a wonderful wonderful man) and we talked some more about my hip. I'm doing much better. But it's probable that I'll be delayed a week or two in the MTC. However, this is no cause for despair! I need the extra time in the MTC because I've been gone so much. Blessings once again! We also took some more x-rays of my back this morning. And it turns out I've actually got a touch of the scoliosis (sp?). It's only a 15 degree curve. So nothing major. No surgery. Thank goodness. But it just explains why I've always had back pain. With physical therapy, I should be in tip top shape in no time.
Now, enough of all this boring medical business.
I'm trying to get back into the MTC routine. I've still been on the pain killers. Everyone just loves it when Sister Westrup is on pain killers. It might have to do with how I say inappropriate things while I'm on them. Or the way I just laugh during lessons and don't actually teach. Or how I just fall asleep at a moment's notice. It's made for some good stories. Slowly but surely I'm weaning myself off of them. I'm almost a lucid Sister Westrup again. Almost.
Thanks again so much to everyone who wrote me during my hospital stay! Thanks for the prayers Linda! I'm not sure if I remember you. But thanks for your prayers. And Uncle Dietrich, deutsch is sooo much leitcher! Your letter was so interesting! I read it outloud to the Sisters here. Missionaries do need to step up! We need all the help that we can get!
And thank you for everyone who came to visit! I miss you all so much. It was great to see your faces!
-Westrup cha-mae

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