Monday, December 12, 2011

Happy Thnksgiving

Dear Family!
This has been an incredible week! I don't know how I'm going to fit it all in this email!
So last Tuesday, after my new companion and I, Sister Bauer, wrote our emails, we trudged our way over the Health Clinic. Perhaps both of our favorite places in the MTC. (I hope you note the sarcastic tone in that last sentence)
The Doctor ended up telling Sister Bauer that she should go home. It was a pretty devastating day. We were all sad to see Sister Bauer leave. But luckily, she's lives just in Orem. And she just happened to be at the temple this morning during our session! It was such a coincidence! I know she'll be back out in the field in no time!
Last Tuesday night, Elder Christofferson came and spoke. One thing that he said in particular stuck out to me. He promished all the missionaries in attendance (remember, this is an apostolic promise from one of the Lord's most humble servants) that any afflication we experience on our mission would be swallowed up in the joy of Christ. Later that night, Sister Bauer got more and more sick. I did my best to try and serve her. I hope I did. It was hard that day with my leg. We do a lot of walking on P-days. So my leg gets pretty tired by the end of the night. But as I tried to serve Sister Bauer, I realized something. Yes, my leg and hip were still hurting, but somehow I didn't notice as much. And it really didn't matter as much. My afflication was swallowed up in the joy of Christ, it was swallowed up in the joy of serving someone else; just as the Savior would have done. The next morning I was searching for a scripture that might help Sister Bauer, and I came across Alma 31:38. It was heaven sent.
I will always remember the Thanksgiving I spent in the MTC as the best of my entire life. In the morning, Elder Nelson came to speak. His wife also spoke. They were beautiful talks. Elder Nelson spoke of praising God, and shouting Hallejuah, and what that truly means. After the morning devotional, we went to lunch. I espeically enjoyed the cranberry sauce, as I do every year. mmmm. it was good. Following lunch, we had a program about the Humanitarian program of the church. I wish I had all the statistics on hand of everything the church does to help those in need around the world, but unfortunately, I don't. Afterward, we made first aid injury kits that will be sent to the Sudan.
That night we got to watch 17 Miracles; the movie about the Willie and Martin hand cart companies. It was amazing! Cheesy in parts yes, but it absolutely strengthened my testimony of why I'm here, what I'm doing, and how I should be more diligent. So many pioneers of great faith, literally gave their lives for just the chance to attend the temple once, and be sealed to their families forever. I get to go to the temple once a week. I sit at the feet of prophets of God on a regular basis. How much more need do I have to be diligent when considering all that they would give up just to be in my place?
Since Sister Bauer left, I've been in class by myself. I wasn't sure originally how this was going to work out. Both of my normal teachers were out of town for Thanksgiving. That means I was alone with teachers I had barely met before. One of the teachers who subbed for me this last week was Brother Ball. He's from New Zealand AND HE IS AWESOME. He really taught me how to make the Great Apostasy more personal when teaching. I think missionaries glaze over that bit of the lesson too much. Without the darkness of the Great Apostasy, how can we teach of the miracle of the Restoration. We also talked about Lord of the Rings.... Naturally. Haha! I'm sad he'll only have taught me for that one week. Another teacher that subbed for a bit was Sister Judd. She's subbed for my district before. She served in Daejeon, and she is one of the most lovely people I've ever met. That is the only way I can really think to describe her. Love oozes from her pores. She has this instantly calming presence. I've learned much from her. I'm so glad I got to spend some time one on one with her.
Brother Tanner and Brother Kang (a native Korean, yikes!) will teach me the rest of the time I'm here.
I have another appointment with Dr. Jackson on Thursday. He'll give me permission or not to leave next Monday. Even though me leg and hip still hurt. I think he'll give the go- ahead.
But like I said earlier, it doesn't matter if my leg hurts every day for the rest of my mission. I know that any pain I experience will be lessened when I take the time to look outside myself and serve others...
I'd also like to add a special shout out to sister hurt's mom: thanks for reading my blog!!!! You're so sweet! I promise I haven't always been so grateful for this surgery and subsequent stay in the MTC as I came across in my letters. But I really am now! In being here, I've had these amazing experiences that I would have missed out on otherwise. But thank you for thinking so highly of me!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have only a minute left. I love you all! Hopefully the next time you hear from me will be at the airport. And my next email from Korea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-Westrup cha-mae

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