Tuesday, October 4, 2011

A Sister Westrup Moment

Sorry, I'm a week behind.  This email came last Tuesday, Sept 27th
So I must relate a story that happened to me this week.
I've been feeling a bit under the weather. Which hasn't had too much of an impact on my day to day life (and don't worry, I'm feeling quite better), but it made me a little scatterbrained throughout this week. So Wednesday, we went to go teach our investigator. I had my little bag, and my lesson plan as we went into our lesson plan. I hope you can see the full picture with my loafers and all. As I sat down at the desk to teach our investigator, I noticed that my little notebook with our lesson plan had disappeared. Within the space of two minutes! How it happened, I do not know. But as I sat there, with no lesson plan to behold, my face grew bright red. "my lesson plan is gone." i whispered to my companion. "what do you want to do?" she asked. "let's just teach..." Our investigator, who is really our teacher, was trying not to laugh at my despair, but i'm sure it was plainly and hilariously evident on my face. So we tried to teach the lesson. He asked about the Atonement. A scripture popped into my head. Alma 40:11. So I found it in my Korean Book of Mormon and then gave it to him to read. "irk-o-ju-say-o" (will you please read?) I turned to my english book of mormon to follow along when i relalized that i'd given him completely the wrong scripture. i was mortified. mostly because i don't know how to say sorry, wrong scripture in korean. the rest of the lesson actually went alright. but the icing on the cake happened when we got up to leave and i saw that i had been sitting on my little notebook, with my lesson plan THE ENTIRE TIME.
a typical moment in the life of sister westrup.
i'm happy to say that upon leaving i thought the situation was more hilarious than anything else. i'm the only person i know who would do such a thing.
i'm still loving the mtc. last week elder nelson came to speak on the october ensign. AMAZING.
i'm still loving korean. sometimes i'm just in awe that i can actually read korean. that's such a miracle in itself. of course it will still take months before i can really learn the language. but it's so cool to read and recognize words!
there's this mongolian sister in my zone that i LOVE. she bows all the time. and gives a little peace sign every time we see her. the more time i spend with her, the happier i am, and the more i realize that i was meant to serve in an asian country. i love bow-ing... it's awesome.
-Westrup 자매님

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