Monday, October 17, 2011

Week 5

It's been a week for growing that's for sure.
The older district left us. So that means we're the older district now. A lot of the sisters are worried that we don't know as much as the other district did when we first entered the MTC. But I think we do.
We also learned something else that's really sad this week. One of our teachers (the awkward one mentioned in my previous email) is leaving us to work for the Daily Universe. We're all pretty sad about it. Although I am thankful for the opportunity to not have any more awkward run-ins. But luckily, our other teacher, Brother Tanner (who has swiftly become one of my favorite people of all time) will still be with us the rest of our time here. Sister Hatch left early this morning. We'd had bascially the same schedule for meals and gym. It was so great to be together for this time. I think Heavenly Father knew how much we would need each other.
So mom, you know how you always commented on how my legs were different lenghths. Well, I've recently learned that I look like that because my hips our out of alignment. And I'm going to have to start physical therepy this week probably. On the bright side, my companion and I will get to leave the MTC on Thursday to see a sports phyical therepist type person to see what exactly I need to do. SO, that's just a warning in case the MTC calls on Thursday. Don't worry. I'm fine. I just need a little touch of physical therepy.... (and a side note to all the people out there who didn't believe me when I said that I had fragile hips: I was right. and you were wrong.)
How are the kids doing? None of them ever wrote me back.
I saw Maychee last week at the temple! It was so great! Then later that day she sent me a package with Milkus and choco pies. I swiftly ate most of the choco pies that night, and then tied the Milkus on a string to hang outside our window to get cold. It was delicious. Like liquid skittles. You should get some for the kids to try. I want to send her a thank you! But I don't have her address. So hopefully she gets this. Also, Sister Baggs always sends me great notes, but never a return address. Maybe I could get hers as well.
Things with Korean are moving forward. I was sitting next to a senior sister in choir and she asked about how they teach at the MTC and why missionaries seem to learn the language so much faster. I told her that it's true, we do learn languages much faster here. I never felt comfortable praying in German. And there was no way I could ever bear my testimony in German. But last week I learned how to pray for my investigator's grandfather to get better. And I can pray that they feel the Spirit when my companion and I teach. The motivation behind why I learn is completely different from German. In school, I memorized vocab for a test, just to get through a semester. But here, I memorize vocab to help the Korean people know how much Heavenly Father loves them, to know where they're going after they die, to know what the Book of Mormon is really about. The motivation is so different. I'm not learning Korean for myself. I'm learning it for people I have jong with that I've never even met. (Look up jong. It's a Korean word. It's really hard to put into English words).
Have I mentioned how much I love PMG(Preach My Gospel)?!?! Everyone should read it and use it as a study tool. It's incredible. Every day I learn something new.
Well, looks like it's that time already! Miss you! Pray that everything goes ok at the physical therepist. And don't freak out if the MTC calls you. I really am great!
Westrup cha-mae

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